May 30, 2023
Labor of love
Martin named Alma Teacher of Year
By Kevin Taylor
Alma Schools
Sara Martin isn’t unlike a lot of teachers who were touched by a teacher l...

May 30, 2023
‘She’s like an institution at our school’
Lamar named Classified Employee of the Year honor
By Kevin Taylor
Alma Schools
Kaye Lamar is rarely at a loss for w...

May 28, 2023
2023 ALMA SCHOOL DISTRICT CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR Congratulations to the 2023 Alma School District Classified Employee of the Year, Mrs. Kaye Lamar from Alma Middle Schoo...

May 28, 2023
Congratulations to the 2023 Alma School District Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Sara Martin, from Alma Middle School!
We are so prou...

February 23, 2023
The AMS Robotics Team 72921A competed in a "Last Chance" Tournament this past weekend in Fayetteville. They placed 1st and earned an automatic spot in the state tournament which w...

February 23, 2023
Students in Mrs. Price's class celebrated Valentine's Day with a Symbiotic Speed Dating activity! Each student was assigned a desert organism card and then went on 5 "speed dates"...