From agriculture to pageants, baked goods, art, and more, students from Alma School District made a significant impact at the Crawford County Fair across all categories! Mrs. Blackwell's class showcased their skills by preparing 13 different baked goods, both made from scratch and from a mix, proudly earning 12 blue ribbons for their outstanding efforts. The Alma FFA members also had an impressive presence. We are extremely proud of these students for the dedication and hard work they demonstrated last week.
AHS FFA Crawford County Fair Results
Species | Student Name | Placing |
Market Lambs | Faylyn Holt | 2nd in class, market lamb |
Dakota Williams | 1st in class, market lamb | |
Rylee Holmes | 1st in class, market lamb | |
Ellie Johnson | 2nd in class, market lamb 2nd in class, market lamb 2nd place Senior Showmanship | |
Market Goats | Trenton Simon | 1st in class, market goat Grand Champion Market Goat Grand Champion Senior Showmanship |
Commercial Lambs | Rylee Holmes | 1st in class, commercial ewe 2nd in class, commercial ewe Grand Champion Crawford County Bred |
Dakota Williams | 2nd in class, commercial ewe | |
Ellie Johnson | 1st in class, commercial ewe Reserve Grand Champion Commercial Ewe | |
Commercial Rams | Dakota Williams | 1st in class, commercial ram Grand Champion Commercial Ram Supreme Ram 3rd Place Senior Showmanship Grand Champion Crawford County Born Ram |
Breeding Ewes | Ellie Johnson | 1st in class, Dorset Advantage Grand Champion Dorset Advantage Supreme Ewe Reserve Grand Champion Senior Showman |
Faylyn Holt | 1st in class, Katahdin 2nd in class, Katahdin | |
Breeding Does | Trenton Simon | 1st in class, breeding doe Grand Champion Crawford County Bred Reserve Grand Champion Senior Showmanship |
Market Hogs | Gracie Erwin | 1st in class, market hog 3rd overall market hog |
Brittany Bowlin | 1st place in class, market hog 5th overall market hog 3rd overall senior showmanship | |
Locklan Flanagan | 2nd in class, market hog 5th place in class, 8th overall market hog Reserve Grand Champion senior showmanship | |
Brody Taylor | 1st in class, market hog 2nd in class, market hog 4th overall market hog | |
Commercial Gilts | Brody Taylor | 1st in class Grand Champion Breeding Gilt 1st in class, duroc Grand Champion Duroc Supreme Gilt Grand Champion Senior Showmanship Grand Champion Round Robin Senior Showmanship |
Market Steers | Dakota Williams | 1st in class, market steer 3rd overall market steer |
Wyatt Brister | 1st in class Grand Champion Market Steer | |
Commercial Heifer Show | Dakota Williams | 2nd in class Reserve Grand Champion Commercial Heifer |
Dairy Cattle | Dakota Williams | Jersey Senior Champion Female |
Poultry | Clayton Montgomery | 3rd place pen of Broilers 1st place call hen 1st place call young drake 1st place call young trio 1st place old english game hen 2nd place american game young trio 1st place single comb, rhode island red cock 1st place single comb, rhode island red young trio |
Rylee Holmes | Best Bantam | |
Dakota Williams | 3rd in class Swedish Hen | |
Rabbits | Rylee Holmes | Lionhead Best of Breed Overall Champion Breeding Rabbit |
Hailie Peppers | 3rd place Lionhead Sr. Doe | |
Dakota Williams | Overall Champion Fryer Rabbit 1st Place Mini Rex Jr. Buck Best of Breed Thrianta Best of Breed New Zealand Best of Breed Satin |
Holly Brewer, AIS, 2nd place for showing her lamb "Twinkletoes."
Ryleigh Coder, AIS, 1st place mutton buster and 2nd place grand champion mutton buster.
Falyn Holt, AHS, won 2nd place in her market lamb class, grand champion pygmy goat doe, 2nd place with her FFA poultry chain chickens, and people's choice in the costume contest.
Dylynn Gryner, AMS, county-born champion for the best bird in the county, 2nd place poultry herdsman, supreme champion poultry breed for the best bird in the barn, reserve champion with her mini Rex rabbit, Sypsey, grand champion with her duck sunflower.
Wyatt Holt, Pre-K, 1st and 2nd place in chickens and participated in the costume contest.
Isabel Patillo, AMS, showed chickens.
Evelyn Stanard, AIS, won the high point overall in her age group, plus she was county-born and bred.
Ellie Holt, APS, 1st place with her Holland Lop rabbit named Fluffy, grand champion Holland Lop, best of breed Holland Lop, grand champion county bred rabbit, 1st place in peewee rabbit showmanship, reserve grand champion with her Katahdin lamb named Smokey, 1st place with her chickens, 2nd place with her pygmy goats, 3rd place in Rabbit Herdsman, She also won most creative in the costume contest.
Brinley Lively, AIS, is the first premium blue ribbon to show in the 4H poultry chain.
Jolie Gallaher, AIS, grand champion polish doe (rabbit), grand champion and reserve champion miniature lamancha does (goats), grand champion myotonic doe (fainting goat), first place in junior rabbit showmanship, first place in junior dairy showmanship, first place rabit herdsman award, most creative costume award, she competed with the top showmen in the round robin event on Friday. To prepare for this competition she was mentored by AHS FFA students Brody Taylor and Dakota Williams, She also made the sale and was one of the top earners in that, selling her trio of poultry chain hens in the auction on Saturday.
Mason Dunn, AIS, is a first-year poultry chain participant. He finished in the top 20 with First Premium.
Ellie Johnson, AHS, Ms. Crawford County Rodeo Queen.
Bristol Harvin, AIS, Little Miss Crawford County Fair.
Eden Kasprytzki, AIS, 2nd Runner-Up in the Little Miss Pageant.
Channing Baldwin, Little Miss Crawford County Photogenic.
Ellie Kate Treece, APS, competed in the pageant for princess.
Gracelynn Gregory, APS, Crawford County Fair.
Mary Beth Thicksten, AMS, Preteen Division and 1st Runner Up
Home Economics
Jolie Gallaher, AIS, Many craft, sewing, art, and garden projects were entered, earning ALL blue ribbons. Her sewing project/clothing item, a reversible baby bib, took home Best of Show.
Falyn Holt, 1st and 2nd place in crafts.
Ellie Holt, 1st and 2nd place in crafts.