
By Kevin Taylor

Alma Schools 


Chanlee Bottoms has had a lot of story-book endings in life. She stood at the top of the mountain as both a player and assistant coach. 


One day, she hopes to add to her resume with another state title run as the Alma Lady Airedales’ new basketball coach. 


“I played here in 2005 when we won a state championship, and that’s the road I’m trying to take right now,” Bottom said Friday. “I know it will be a long road, but I have goals right now to get us going in that direction. I know it’s going to take a while, but there’s every ounce in me that believes these ladies can get it going in the right direction.”


Bottoms joined Codey Mann’s staff in the spring of 2021 following a successful tenure with Daryl Fimple at North Little Rock. Before that, she had two coaching stints at UAFS, including one with her mentor, Louis Whorton. Bottoms was a three-time all-4A-West player and two-time all-star star for the Lady Airedales in 2004-05. 


She helped lead Madelyn Flenor’s ‘05 squad to a state championship, the school’s first since legendary Alene Crabtree coached Alma to the 1976 state championship... 


Bottoms is the fourth leading scorer in Alma history (1,219 points). 


“She’s got an infectious personality; the kids gravitate to her,” Alma athletics director Doug Loughridge said. “There’s no doubt about her passion for this game or her passion for this school, and I think that’s why these kids are so excited about having her in this leadership role.”


Bottoms became just the seventh coach in the program’s esteemed history since 1947. The aforementioned Crabtree coached the Lady Airedales from 1947-84. Since then, the program has had five coaches, with Flenor guiding the program from ‘95-2015. 


“A great coach once told me, ‘The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.’ You guys (players) are the main reason I’m standing here today,” Bottoms told the congregation. “Airedale basketball will be the main thing. Thank you for loving me and believing in me as your coach. There are things I ask of you. 


“Compete, love one another, and get one percent better every day, whether that’s in the classroom, being a better human, or being a better athlete.”


Bottoms thanked the administration, praised Alma High School principals Brian Kirkendoll and Jason Reeves, and thanked her family — all of whom were present. 


She spoke fondly of the coaches she worked with and played for.


“Elana Lovato, Daryl Fimple, Pennie Belfort, Louis Wayne Whorton, Tara Cummings, Jason Martin, Tiffany Swoffard, Jane Sargent, and Madeynl Flenor,” Bottoms said. “I could talk for hours about each person. Thank you a thousand times - I can never repay you.”


“Coach Bottoms’ knowledge, work ethic, and ability to champion for kids are unmatched,” Fimple said. “She is 100 percent driven in everything she does but has always taken great pride in being a product of the Alma School District. She knows what it takes to produce winners in the classroom and on the court. Alma hit a home run by hiring someone that will not be outworked and bleeds green and gold.”