
‘I’m humbled’

Alma’s Reeves named Assistant High 

School Principal of the Year by peers

By Kevin Taylor

Alma Schools 


Alma assistant principal Jason Reeves is among the first to arrive and usually one of the last ones to turn the lights out. 


Tuesday morning, the usually prepared Reeves was caught off guard when Alma Principal Brian Kirkendoll announced that Reeves was the recipient of the Arkansas High School Assistant Principal Of The Year honor. 


Kirkendoll won the award in 2015. 


Dr. Mike Hernandez, Executive Director of the Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators, made the presentation before students, administrators, and teachers at the Alma Performing Arts Center. 


“It is a statewide award where people are nominated from across the state,” Hernandez said. “A group of peers receive applications and pick one winner.”


“It’s another win for Alma High School,” Kirkendoll said. “The influence that Alma has in this state, other principals that are a part of the secondary principal association chose him.”


There were close to 30 nominations, Kirkendoll said. From there, the number dwindles to eight. 


“There’s a lot of paperwork involved,” Kirkendoll said. “It takes days to do a lot of the work. So even getting to that point is a big accomplishment.”


“I’m humbled,” Reeves said. “I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for a whole lot of people. To win this, it lets you know that what you’re doing is worthy and that it’s worth it because it’s a hard job but you’re doing it for the right reasons and in a really great place.”


Reeves is an AHS and Arkansas Tech grad. 


“What a great day for Alma schools,” Alma Superintendent Dr. Bryan Duffie said. “Mr. Reeves works hard and is very deserving.”


Reeves is a product of Alma’s longstanding success, both academically and athletically. He was an all-state linebacker for coach Frank Vines back in the 1990s. 


His senior photo adorns the thousands of graduates in the hallway.


“Every day you see the pictures on the wall of those who came before you,” Reeves said while addressing students gathered for the assembly... “The success that we’re having this school year is because of those students who left it in a better place.”


Reeves coached with the Airedales before getting into administration, first as Bob Wolfe’s assistant principal at Alma Middle School and, four years later, handpicked by Kirkendoll to take his slot after being named as Jerry Valentine’s successor in 2019. 


“He started at the middle school and really came in, changed our culture, and set a tone for expectations that we still have today,” Wolfe said. “I’m very proud of him going to the high school and carrying on that same set of expectations for kids.”


“These kids are great and our faculty are great,” Reeves said. “Mr. Wolfe hiring me six years ago, that was big, and Mr. Kirkendoll, bringing me over here four years ago. Those two men have meant a lot to me on this journey. Working with Dr. (Stacie) Wood, and now working with Ms. (Courtney) Cochran … I’m thankful to be here today.”