Teaching & Education

Orientation to Teaching I and II
Alma High School's Orientation to Teaching I and II courses are specially designed for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the education field. The elective course, Orientation to Teaching I, provides students with comprehensive information and experiences in the field of teaching. The curriculum includes planning and directing individualized instruction and group activities, preparing instructional materials, assisting with record keeping, and experiencing other responsibilities of classroom teachers. Students also have opportunities to observe and participate in direct student instruction, and their placement rotations are tailored to provide experiences in different education career roles, grade levels, subject areas, and ability groups.
Upon completing the course, students should have a better understanding of the teaching profession, identified areas of interest that may be pursued further, and enhanced employability skills that will be beneficial regardless of the occupation or career they pursue.
Orientation to Teaching II is an extension of Orientation to Teaching I and provides a more in-depth look at the concepts covered in the first-year course. Students continue studying theories and practices of the education field, with a more direct focus on classroom observations and interactions on various campuses. For instance, students assist first-grade students on the primary school campus with their enrichment activities three days a week. Upon completing the course, students who are 18 years or older may take the paraprofessional exam and potentially earn certification as a teacher's aide.