Literacy Information


Jami Anne

Erin Reeves

Literacy Specialist

Phone: (479) 632-4791


HQIM beginning 2022-23:

Literacy Resources

Literacy Curriculum Guides

The Alma School District (ASD) is committed to ensuring that every student in Alma has equitable access to high-quality instructional materials (HQIM), grade-level instruction, and responsive practices, in preparation to reach college, career, and life goals. Additionally, ASD supports educators to have strong foundations in content knowledge and readiness to skillfully implement engaging lessons.

The HQIM selected by ASD is aligned to state academic standards that include evidence-based strategies, inclusive practices, and embedded support for teachers and students. High-quality instructional materials provide diverse experiences so all learners progress to become actively literate, critical thinkers, who will be engaged in our community.

During the 2022-23 school year the literacy program transitioned to create seamless elementary (K-5) and secondary (6-12) adoptions: 

K-5 adopted EL education, a program built around authentic, exemplary texts that allow students to dig deeply into academic topics and help students make connections between their academic experiences and the real world. Students read, write, and communicate daily on a variety of topics and each Module culminates in a "performance task" where they showcase their academic understanding in engaging activities.

6-12 adopted myPerspecitives, an English Language Arts curriculum that provides next-gen learning experiences to help students develop the skills needed to be college/career ready. myPerspectives blends print and technology instruction to create engaging activities, relevant reading, and skillful writing tasks. Lessons are designed to encourage collaboration and team-building to prepare students for the workforce.